• Personal Training/Online Coaching

    Reach new limits in an individual setting or through online support, both with customized planning and programming.
  • Certified Triathlon/Ironman Coaching

    TriLife+ Team offers personalized programming and coaching, from beginner to elite level.
  • Be part of a TEAM!

 Who is André Legault?

André Legault is an energetic, passionate, and experienced personal trainer and triathlon coach who is enthusiastic about helping you reach your goals. His individualized approach will help you lose weight, gain strength, and increase your flexibility while learning about your body and its abilities. Whether you need help bringing focus back to yourself after having kids, re-establishing routine and accountability or simply getting your life in order, André will guide you along the path to success.

What is Amare Vita Fitness?

Amare Vita Fitness is a 900-square-foot, in-home studio offering personal training, triathlon coaching, online training and group clinics.

Personalized setting
Located in Navan, Ontario, Amare Vita Fitness is a private studio with change room and shower. Train one-on-one in a comfortable setting where you can forget about the outside world and focus on yourself.
André has 15 years of personal training experience and 25 years of triathlon experience. Train with confidence, knowing that André offers the best of the industry.
Holistic training
Amare Vita Fitness offers a wide spectrum of training services tailored to your individual needs. André ensures that your physical needs are met, as well as your psychological and food-related needs.
Nutrition coaching
André supplements his training with nutrition coaching. He’s a proponent of enjoying food, and teaching you to love food while carving out the time to eat right. Train with a coach who is passionate about “JERF”: “Just eat real food”.

Learn about how our plan can help you.

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